My Enduring Journey Of Health And Wellness

What Is A Health And Wellness Nurse Coach?

A Nurse Coach is a registered nurse who has achieved additional training in the art and science of health and wellness coaching. What is health and wellness coaching? An integrative approach to creating lasting life-style changes to better your health and overall wellbeing. We explore all aspects of your mental, emotional, and physical health, including relationships, sleep, nutrition, and spirituality. Nurse Coaches meet their clients exactly where they are at in life and work together to create action steps towards accomplishing their goals.

About Me……

Hi! I’m Elizabeth Desvoignes, Registered Nurse and certified Nurse Coach. I am a mom of three littles, passionate nurse coach and lover of nature. My calling is to help individuals find themselves again. To empower and support my clients in taking time to fulfill their mental, emotional and physical health needs.

My nursing journey began in 2016 as a Public Health Nurse and I absolutely loved it! I fell in love with helping individuals directly and in a community support setting. Pretty early on in my career, I began to recognize a breakdown in the current healthcare system. Patients being prescribed medications to deal with chronic illness without time dedicated to education and life-style change recommendations. 

Throughout my own journey of health and wellness, I discovered the amazing transformation that can take place when we make time for ourselves, take responsibility for our choices and accomplish our goals. I knew that I wanted to support others on their journey and help them achieve their goals. 

As a certified Nurse Coach, I feel incredibly blessed to cheer on my clients as they work towards their own unique health and wellness goals. Whatever personal goals my clients have, I am here to support them along the way. I provide encouragement and accountability as we collaborate in creating small obtainable goals each week, inching our way closer to the overarching goal. I am their biggest cheerleader, rooting for them at every milestone.

Transformation takes place when individuals find lasting lifestyle changes that work for them, in the life they live right now.

Whatever health and wellness goals you have, I am here to support you. I would be honored to work along side you as YOU take control over your life and achieve your wellness goals!

Samantha T. New Jersey

Working with Liz has been the absolute biggest blessing in my life. Her positive attitude, willingness to serve, and ability to help my innate healing created the most fabulous outcome. I was initially nervous to start coaching as I wasn't sure how deep I really wanted to get. I like to keep people at a distance. Liz created a safe, wonderful environment where the possibilities were endless and I could truly be me. Her ability to be non-judgmental and kind helped me realize I can achieve so much more than I give myself credit for; she also helped me admire the strength my body and soul have after all the challenges they have been through. The most beautiful part of her coaching is that she fostered trust and empathy as your coach. You know, when she says something, it is completely out of a place of love, compassion, and respect. I love that Liz challenged me while also allowing me room to do my own healing. 

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